Saturday, September 12, 2009

2009 List of Lies,0,503680,full.column

Los Angeles Times Writer Hector Tobar discusses a new chain email that he has repeatedly received. It’s the latest anti-immigrant/anti-Hispanic propaganda that’s being spread around. The email is entitled “Just One State” and purports to describe the adverse effects that illegal immigration has on the State of California. After receiving the email multiple times, Tobar decided to investigate the facts [sic].

Not surprisingly, the email was filled with what Tobar described as “for the most part of meaty exaggerations and spicy conjecture, mixed in with some giblets of truth.” Some of the facts [sic] were resurrected from the fictitious 1st Quarter 2006 INS/FBI report.
Below is Tobar’s assessment of the facts [sic] contained in the email:

1. "40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying
taxes. . . . This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working
without a green card."
The source of this information seems to be a 2005
study by the Economic Roundtable on the informal economy in Los Angeles County.
Its findings were reported in The Times and other papers.
But the
chain-mail's author more than doubled the figures in that study, which estimated
that 15% of the county workforce was outside the regulated economy in 2004.
Illegal immigrants getting paid in cash, it said, probably made up about 9% of
the workforce.
A later Economic Roundtable report, by the way, credited
immigrants with keeping the local economy from shrinking in the 1990s.
"95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens . . . "
traced this "fact" to a 2004 op-ed in The Times by Heather Mac Donald of the
conservative Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. Mac Donald said "officers"
told her about the warrants. She conceded that there were no such data in
official reports but suggested the LAPD "top brass" was hiding the truth.
called the LAPD's press office, which contacted the department's Fugitive
Warrant Section. Officers confirmed that the statistics in item No. 2 and No. 3,
which follows, don't exist.
3. "75% of people on the most wanted list in Los
Angeles are illegal aliens."We traced this figure to something circulating on
the Internet under the name "the 2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report
on Undocumented Immigrants." The "report" contains similar figures for Phoenix,
Albuquerque and other cities. But it isn't an actual government document. The
INS ceased to exist in 2003, after the Department of Homeland Security was
There's something really disturbing about a work of fakery meant to
tarnish an entire class of people. You wonder what kind of person would pen such
a thing.
4. "Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal
alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers."
again the "statistic" more than doubles the actual figures. According to a 2006
story in The Times, there were 41,240 Medi-Cal births to "undocumented women" in
the county in 2004. They accounted for 27% of all births.
5. "Nearly 35% of
all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here
This time the author more than triples the actual figure.
Authorities project some 19,000 of the 172,000 inmates in the California prison
system in the 2009-10 fiscal year will be illegal immigrants. That's equivalent
to 11%.
A study published last year by the nonpartisan Public Policy
Institute of California actually found that U.S.-born men in California are 10
times more likely to be incarcerated than foreign-born men. You can take that
statistic with as many grains of salt as you wish.
6. Over 300,000 illegal
aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
This information
apparently comes from a 1987 article in which The Times visited a sampling of
properties across the county and looked for unauthorized garage conversions. The
story concluded that 200,000 people lived in such dwellings.
The story made
no effort, however, to determine immigration status. I'd like to point out that
just living in an "illegal garage" doesn't make you "an illegal." You might just
be a starving artist, or a guy who recently lost his job.
7. "The FBI
reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens
from south of the border."
This is another "fact" spun from the 2004 op-ed
by Heather Mac Donald, whose article refers to a single Los Angeles gang and the
conjecture of an unnamed federal prosecutor.8. "Nearly 60% of all occupants of
HUD properties are illegal."
Annie Kim, a spokeswoman for the Housing
Authority of the city of Los Angeles, called this statement "an urban legend."
The source of the information may be an Associated Press report from earlier
this year. It quoted a government study that found that 0.4% of residents of
federally funded public housing are "ineligible noncitizens." Half of those, or
about 0.2% of the total, are illegal immigrants.
9. 21 radio stations in L.
A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak
English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
These facts are close to the actual
numbers, though the language figures are deceptive.
An annual census survey
asks people if they "speak a language other than English at home." According to
the most recent report, 3.7 million county residents speak Spanish. But more
than half of those Spanish speakers answered that they also speak English "very
well." Only one in 10 Spanish speakers said they don't speak any English at all.
Obviously, the ability to speak a language other than English, or the desire
to listen to Spanish music, doesn't make you an illegal immigrant or a threat to
U.S. democracy. It's a slur against Los Angeles, really, to find these items on
a list of "problems" caused by illegal immigration.
The authors of the chain
e-mail and the phony government report fear what Los Angeles has become -- a
multilingual, multiethnic city with multicultural tastes.
They search for
information to persuade others to be afraid, but the actual numbers don't quite
add up to the big monster they think is out there.So they make the numbers
bigger. Or they just make them up. And they spread them around until all that
fear and anger turns into a big hate.

Tabor ponders, “There's something really disturbing about a work of fakery meant to tarnish an entire class of people. You wonder what kind of person would pen such a thing.”

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